Your Privacy, Personal Health Information & Feedback/Complaints

private and confidential

Patient Health Information

At Brunswick Heads Medical Centre your medical record is a confidential document. All health information that is collected and used by this practice is protected by this privacy policy. It is the policy of this medical practice to maintain security of your personal health information at all times and to ensure that this information is only available to authorized staff members.

We ask that you assist us in providing the best possible health care to you by making sure that the information we hold on you is accurate and up to date, in particular, your contact details. We do ask our patients through a formal process to update their details with us on a regular basis. 


The provision of quality health care is our principal concern. It requires a doctor-patient relationship of trust and confidentiality. Your doctor regards patient health information as confidential and will only collect this information with patient consent. All of our staff members have signed confidentiality agreements, and all personal records are securely stored. Personal health information may occasionally be used for research, for quality assurance or in practice meetings, for these purposes appropriate consent will be obtained from those clients whose information is being used or the information will be de-identified. For further information please enquire at reception for a copy of our privacy policy.

Our Privacy Policy complies with Australian Privacy legislation. We work closely within these regimes. To find out more, you can visit the Office of the Privacy Commissioner. Our Brunswick Heads Medical Centre Privacy Document according to the APP 2014 Privacy regulations is located at the front desk. Please ask reception.

Patient Concerns & Complaints

We do take your concerns, suggestions and complaints seriously. If you feel you have a problem, we would like to know about it. If you have a complaint or want to provide feedback on any of our staff or doctors you can:

  • Ask to talk to the practice manager at the practice either in person or by phone.
  • Request a feedback/complaint form from reception to complete.
  • Contact the HCCC to lodge a complaint on 1800 043 159.

​We value the feedback from our clients and approach all feedback given as an opportunity for quality improvement. We appreciate the opportunity to resolve any issues between the practice and the client at a local level, if possible, prior to referring the matter to the Healthcare Complaints Commission.